WordPress + IIS + Wincache = plugin update trouble

A while ago, we started having trouble updating our wordpress plugins (and wordpress itself). Updating a plugin would fail with a "Could not remove the old plugin". The plugin directory is there, but empty, and strangely cannot be deleted. We’ve found that restarting the app pool seems to resolve everything, even allowing the auto-update to work correctly. We finally found the root cause. It’s a known issue with wordpress and the version (1.

TeamCity & Beanstalk: bad_record_mac

I started getting _bad_record_mac_ errors when TeamCity would try to connect to our SVN repository hosted on beanstalkapp.com. Here is the fix: From command prompt, run c:\teamcity\bin\tomcat7w.exe /ES/TeamCity Click the "Java" tab Add the following to Java Options: -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3 Restart the teamcity service From: http://devnet.jetbrains.net/thread/434355;jsessionid=D5DF978AB09E2CD1E16F9C8B65482E94?tstart=-2

WordPress Admin Alert

If you want to show a message in the Admin area of wordpress, add the following to your functions.php of your theme: add_action( 'admin_notices', 'warning_method' ); function warning_method() { echo '<div>Message here.</div>'; }

Omniture API: Pulling Campaign Tracking Code Click-Throughs programatically

This is the process I used to pull campaign tracking code click throughs programatically through the Omniture Reporting API. While you can start with code, I found it to be much more productive to use Omniture’s API Explorer to figure out exactly what I wanted first. The API Explorer is nice because it shows you the available methods with their parameters and gives you immediate feedback as to whether it worked or not.

Oracle character set settings

Here are the queries to view the char and nchar character set settings: select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = ‘NLS_CHARACTERSET’; select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = ‘NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET’; These return AL32UTF8 for me, which apparently supersedes UTF8 (which is an older setting in Oracle for an older unicode specification which is missing some XML specific characters).

Build, Testing & Deployment Automation: Source Control

Here’s an old post I just found that I had started a long time ago but apparently never finished. Posting as is… We use SVN for our versioning, and TortoiseSVN on the client. Since there is only one person working on the project, we’ve opted for a simple version control strategy. We use a simplified stable trunk strategy and release from /trunk. The goal is to keep /trunk releasable at any given moment.